1. V. Huber-Dyson,The undecidability of the theory of free groups with a length function, University of Calgary, Mathematics Research paper No. 221 (1974), 1–26.
2. V. Huber-Dyson,Talking about free groups in naturally enriched languages, Communications in Algebra,5 (11), 1163–1191 (1977).
3. V. Huber-Dyson,An inductive description of free groups, AMS Notices, Vol.23, No. 6 (1976).
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5. A. I. Mal'cev,O svobodnyh razreŝimyh gruppah, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSr 130 (1960), 495–498. Translation by B. F. Wells in A. I. Mal'cev, The metamathematics of Algebraic Systems. North Holland Publishing Co. (1971). Chapter 14: On free solvable groups.