1. According to Schlesinger et al.4 the first use of the nitrate reaction in 1914 has been attributed to G. Iturrioz by I. Castellanos, La Prueba de la Parafina, Tomo 2, Serie Cubana de Criminalistica, published as volume CXIX in the Biblioteca Juridica de Autores Cubanos y Estranjeros, Havana, 1948.
2. The Dermal Nitrate Test, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 4 (1935) 5.
3. H. C. Harrison, R. Gilroy, J. Forensic Sci., 4 (1959) 184.
4. H. L. Schlesinger, H. R. Lukens, V. P. Guinn, R. P. Hackleman, R. F. Korts, Report GA-9829, 1970.
5. R. R. Ruch, V. P. Guinn, R. H. Pinker, Nucl. Sci. Eng., 20, (1964) 381.