1. L. Minale andG. Sodano, J. chem. Soc. Perkin I, 1972 2380.
2. M. de Rosa, L. Minale andG. Sodano, Experientia31, 408 (1975).
3. The incubation conditions are given in reference2; the conditions of extraction and isolation of stanols are given in references1 and2; the labelled stanols, after dilution with carrier A-nor-stanols, were hydrogenated on palladium-charcoal and converted to the nor-ketones (experimental details in reference2).
4. S. P. Colowick andN. O. Kaplan, Meth. Enzymol.4, 804 (1957).
5. A. G. Smith andL. J. Goad, Biochem. J.146, 35 (1975).