1. Rankin, F. W. and Mayo, Charles: Carcinoma of the Small Bowel.S. G. O., 50:940, June, 1930.
2. Hartman, Howard R.: Lesions of the Small Bowel Other Than Peptic Ulcer.Medical Clinics of N. A., Mayo Clinic Number, pp. 365–382, Sept., 1935.
3. Johnson, Raymond: Carcinoma of the Jejunum and Ileum.Brit. J. Surg., IX, 422–430, 1921.
4. Leichtenstein:Ziemssen’s Handbuch, VII, 523, 1888.
5. Rowley, A. M., discussed Sawle’s paper on Page 945, Sawles, H. K.: Carcinoma of the Small Intestine.N. E. J. of Med., 210:942, May 3, 1934.