1. V.Breazu-Tannen, T.Coquand, C.Gunter, A.Scedrov: Inheritance and explicit coercion, Proc. of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 1989.
2. K.B.Bruce, G.Longo: Modest models for inheritance and explicit polymorphism, Proc. of the Third Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 1988.
3. K.B.Bruce, A.R.Meyer, J,C.Mitchell: The semantics of second order lambda calculus, Information and Computation, 1989 (to appear).
4. L.Cardelli, J.Donahue, L.Glassman, M.Jordan, B.Kalsow, G.Nelson: Modula-3 report, Research Report n.31, DEC Systems Research Center, Sep. 1988.
5. L. Cardelli: A semantics of multiple inheritance, in Information and Computation 76, pp 138–164, 1988. (First appeared in Semantics of Data Types, G.Kahn, D.B.MacQueen and G.Plotkin Ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science n.173, Springer-Verlag 1984.)