1. C. M. Hall, US Patent 400,665 (1889).
2. W. C. Sleppy and C. N. Cochran, in ?Light Metals 1979?, Vol. 1 (edited by W. S. Peterson) AIME, New York (1979) p. 385.
3. K. Grjotheim and B. J. Welch, ?Aluminum Smelter Technology?, Aluminium-Verlag GmBH, Dusseldorf (1980) p. 90.
4. M. Rolin, ?Le Procede Heroult de L'Electrolyse?, Institute National des Sciences Appliques des Lyon, Vulleurbanne, France (1977).
5. S. Glasstone, ?An Introduction to Electrochemistry?, D. Van. Nostrand, Princeton (1942) p. 466.