1. J. N. Conway, R. H. Stentz and J. T. Berling, “Fatigue, Tensile and Relaxation Behaviour of Stainless Steels”, US Atomic Energy Commission Report TID-26135 (1975).
2. R. W. Rhode and J. C. Swearengen, in Transactions of the Fourth International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Vol. L edited by A. Jaeger and B. A. Boley (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977) p. 85.
3. J. B. Conway, “An Analysis of the Relaxation Behaviour of AISI 304 and 316 Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature”, US Atomic Energy Commission Report GEMP-730 (General Electric Company, 1969).
4. E. W. Hart, Trans. J. Engng Mater. Tech.98 (1976) 193.
5. E. W. Hart, in Transactions of the Fourth International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Vol L, edited by A. Jaeger and B. A. Boley (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977) p. 1/1.