The Soft Underbelly of Evolution?


Branch Glenn,Scott Eugenie C.


Abstract Evolution and the origin of life are separate, if connected, topics, but they are frequently conflated—especially by creationists. Regarding the natural origin of life as “the soft underbelly” of evolution, creationists argue that it is impossible, improbable, or insusceptible to scientific investigation. Underlying their arguments is the hope that the failure of scientific research on the origin of life is evidence for a supernatural account. It is crucial for teachers to understand the nature of science in order to be able to explain why appeals to the supernatural are out of place in explaining the origin of life and why scientific research on the origin of life is not intrinsically a threat to faith.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Education,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference16 articles.

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1. Kentucky’s A-minus defense of evolution;Evolution: Education and Outreach;2013-09-25







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