1. J. Nicol, The Life And Adventures of John Nicol, Mariner, ed. T. Flannery (Melbourne, 2012), pp. 169–70.
2. The best short survey is D.A. Baugh, ‘The Eighteenth-Century Navy as a National Institution, 1690–1815’, in J.R. Hill, ed., The Oxford Illustrated History of the Royal Navy (Oxford, 1995), pp. 120–60.
3. N. Rogers, ‘The Dynamic of News in Britain during the American War: the Case of Admiral Keppel’, Parliamentary History, 25 (2006), pp. 49–67.
4. C. Wilkinson, The British Navy and the State in the Eighteenth Century (Woodbridge, 2004), p. 208.
5. N.A.M. Rodger, The Insatiable Earl: a Life of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1994).