1. Odo of Rouen, Regestrum visitationum archiepiscopi Rotomagensis. Journal des visites pastorales d’Eudes Rigaud, Archevêque de Rouen, 1248–1269, ed. Th. Bonnin (Rouen: August Le Brument, 1852), p. 338.
2. David Tripp and James Cameron, “‘Churching’: A Common Problem of the English Churches,” Church Quarterly 3 (1970): 125–33.
3. Peter Rushton, “Purification or Social Control? Ideologies of Reproduction and the Churching of Women after Childbirth,” in The Public and the Private, ed. Eva Gamarnokow, David HJ. Morgan, June Purvis, and Daphne Taylorson (London: Heinemann, 1983), p. 127.
4. William A. Christian, Person and God in a Spanish Valley (New York: Seminar Press, 1972), p. 154.
5. David Cressy, “Purification, Thanksgiving, and the Churching of Women in Post-Reformation England,” Past & Present 141 (1993): 106–46.