1. Benjamin Disraeli, Sybil Or the Two Nations (London, 1853), p. 120.
2. E. A. Wrigley, ‘The transition to an advanced organic economy: Half a millennium of English agriculture’, Economic History Review, 59/3 (2006), pp. 435–80, 476.
3. Graeme Donald Snooks, ‘Great waves of economic change: The industrial revolution in historical perspective’, in Idem, ed., Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary? (London, 1994), figure 3.3, p. 65.
4. Richard Cantillon, Essai sur la nature du commerce en général (London, 1755), pp. 93–4,113.
5. E. A. Wrigley, Continuity, Chance and Change: The Character of the Industrial Revolution in England (Cambridge, 1990).