1. Edward Carter, “UNESCO’s Library Programs and Work”, The Library Quarterly 18: 4 (October 1948): 237.
2. Richard Hoggart, An Idea and its Servants: Unesco from Within (London: Chatto & Windus, 1978), 37. See also “UNESCO Coupons Can Buy Knowledge and Change Lives”,
/new/en/unesco/partners-donors/who-are-our-funding-partners/unesco-coupons-programme (accessed 29 October 2014)
3. Chloé Maurel, Histoire de l’UNESCO: Les trente premières années, 1945–1974 (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2010), 238.
4. Edward Sydney, “Public Library Development in the Post-War Years: The First Decade” in Libraries and Information Studies in Retrospect and Prospect Essays in Honor of Prof. D.R. Kalia, ed. J.L. Sardana vol. 2 (New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 2002), 342.
5. Kerstin Hassner, “The Model Library Project — A Way to Implement the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto”, IFLA Journal 1 (1999): 143–147 and Carter, “UNESCO’s Library Programme and Work”, 241.