1. F. Oakley, ‘Christian Obedience and Authority, 1520–1550’, in J. H. Burns (ed.), The Cambridge History of Political Thought, 1450–1700 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 159–92. Richard Rex focuses on the particulars of the English Reformation in ‘The Crisis of Obedience: God’s Word and Henry’s Reformation’, The Historical Journal, 39 (1996), pp. 863–94.
2. See, for example, A. Dillon, The Construction of Martyrdom in the English Catholic Community, 1535–1603 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002);
3. P. Lake and M. Questier, ‘Margaret Clitherow, Catholic Nonconformity, Martyrology and the Politics of Religious Change in Elizabethan England’, Past and Present, 185 (2004), pp. 43–90;
4. and A. Walsham, Church Papists: Catholicism, Conformity and Confessional Polemic in Early Modern England (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 1993).
5. H. N. Birt, ‘Introduction’, in Obit Book of the English Benedictines From 1600 to 1912 (Edinburgh: Mercat Press, 1913), pp. xiii–xli, xxxv.