1. D. Ingleby (1991) ‘Introduction’, in: E. Fromm (2002) The Sane Society, London: Routledge Classics, p. lii.
2. D. E. Schecter (1981 and 1958) ‘To Be Truly with Him One Felt Fully Alive and Awake’, in: R. Funk (2009) (ed.) The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
3. E. Fromm (1999). Erich Fromm Gesamtausgabe in zwölf Bänden (ed. R. Funk) Band XI Politische Psychoanalyse, Schriften aus dem Nachlass, Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (1974 ‘Im Namen des Lebens’, Radio Interview with Hans Jürgen Schultz), p. 617.
4. E. Fromm (1999) GA XI, op. cit. (1968 ‘Reconciliation in Our Nation’ — Fromm wrote this as an election speech for Eugene McCarthy, German trans. Rainer Funk), p. 588.
5. E. Fromm (1980) Beyond the Chains of Illusion. My Encounter with Marx and Freud, London: Abacus, p. 3.