1. Belbin, M. R. (2010) Team Roles at Work, 2nd edn (London: Butterworth-Heinemann). (For more about using Belbin types for team work.)
2. Benson, J. F. (2009) Working More Creatively with Groups, 3rd edn (London: Tavistock). (Useful for dipping into; contains many ideas about making groups work effectively.)
3. Cottrell, S. M. (2013) The Study Skills Handbook, 4th edn (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan). (An introduction to the skills of working with others, specifically in university contexts.)
4. Kozubska, J. (1997) The 7 Keys of Charisma: The Secrets of Those Who Have It (London: Kogan Page). (Particularly useful for those considering management, media and high-profile jobs.)
5. Luft, J. (1984) Group Processes: An Introduction to Group Dynamics, 3rd edn (Mayfield, CA: Mountain View). (For more advanced reading about group dynamics.)