1. For life in early Jamestown, see most recently W.M. Kelso, Jamestown: The Buried Truth (Charlottesville, VA, 2006).
2. R. Daniels, Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life (1991), p. 32.
3. E. Richards, Britannia’s Children: Emigration from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland since 1600 (2004), p. 57.
4. D. Cressy, ‘The Vast and Furious Ocean: The Passage to Puritan New England’, The New England Quarterly 57 (1984), pp. 515, 521.
5. D.H. Fischer Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America (Oxford, 1989), pp. 14, 24–30.