1. Berger, A., Molyneux P. and Wilson, J.O. (eds) (2012a) The Oxford Handbook of Banking, OUP, Oxford. Covers contemporary issues in banking and finance, with 36 chapters by leading scholars.
2. Berger, A., Molyneux, P. and Wilson, J. (2012b) Overview of banking, in Berger, A., Molyneux, P. and Wilson, J.O. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Banking, OUP, Oxford. Review of developments in banking.
3. BIS (Bank for International Settlements) (2009) 79th Annual Report (1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 ), BIS, Basel. Good on the credit crisis.
4. Buiter, W. (2009) Regulating the new financial sector, www.voxeu.org /index.php?q=node/3232. Some insights into causes and cures of the crises. Advanced in places.
5. De Larosière (2009) The High-level Group on Financial Supervision in the EU Report. Outlines new supervisory framework for European financial system regulation post-crisis.