1. On Raymond Aron’s “Marxism,” see also Max Likin, “‘Nothing Fails Like Success’: The Marxism of Raymond Aron,” French Politics, Culture and Society, vol. 26, no. 3, Winter 2008, 43–60, who tackles the subject from a more historic point of view, and
2. D. J. Mahoney, “Aron, Marx, and Marxism: An Interpretation,” European Journal of Political Theory, vol. 2, no. 4, 2003, 415–427.
3. Raymond Aron, Le Marxisme de Marx, Préface et notes par Jean-Claude Casanova et Christian Bachelier, Paris, Editions de Fallois, 2002, 33.
4. Jean-Jacques Salomon, “Marx vu par Aron. A propos du marxisme de Marx,” Futuribles, no. 293, janvier 2004.
5. See Raymond Aron, Memoirs: Fifty Years of Political Reflection, New York and London, Holmes & Meier, 1990, 468: “I doubt that I still have the time to write this essay, sketched in my 1976–77 lecture course at the Collège de France. It would fill an empty space in the body of my writings. But, all things considered, the loss does not seem to me to be serious, even for me.”