1. Barber, P, R Brown and D Martin (2012) Mental Health Law in England and Wales is a useful overview of mental health legislation. It includes the Mental Health Act 1983 as revised, tribunal requirements and regulations.
2. Harding, R (2012) ‘Legal constructions of dementia: discourses of autonomy at the margins of capacity’ 34(4) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 425–42 is a critical analysis of courts’ approach to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the right to autonomy for people with dementia. It uses discourse analysis to explore how judges set out making decisions and the implications which, it is argued, constrain autonomy and argues for a more person-centred approach.
3. Jones, R (2012) Mental Capacity Act Manual: comprehensive guidance on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards of which Jones is highly critical. It is particularly strong on clarifying connections and distinctions between mental health and mental capacity legislation.
4. Jones, R (2012b) Mental Health Act Manual: comprehensive guidance and interpretation of all aspects of mental health legislation. It includes the legislation itself and copious footnotes.
5. Rapaport, J et al. (2009) ‘Mental health and mental capacity law: some mutual concerns for social work’ 21(2) Practice 91–105 offers an overview of the developments in mental capacity law focusing on distinction between mental capacity and mental health. Specifically, it examines interaction between the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Health Act 2007.