1. The best-known and most thorough treatment of behavioral game theory is Camerer (2003), which includes the quotation summarizing results from the ultimatum game (p. 49). Kagel and Roth (1995) contains thorough treatments of experimental methods and results; Durlauf and Blume (2010) offers more concise and up-to-date treatments. A good review of cooperation in laboratory experiments is Dawes and Thaler (1988), which among other things summarizes the results of public-goods experiments (p. 189). The World RPS Society (2011) will tell you how to beat anyone at rock-paper-scissors. The two historical quotations are from Keynes (1936, p. 156) and Hayek (1933, p. 129); for more on Hayek’s take on information and cooperation, see Angner (2007). The Binmore quotation is from Binmore (1999, p. F17).