1. See Jerome G. Miller, Search and Destroy: African American Males in the Criminal Justice System (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
2. Steve Donziger, ed., The Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Offenders (New York: Harper Perennial, 1996), 102.
3. Edgardo Rotman, Beyond Punishment: A New View on the Rehabilitation of Criminal Offenders (New York: Greenwood Press, 1990), 115.
4. According to John Irwin and James Austin, “African-American women have experienced the greatest increase in correctional supervision, rising by 78 percent from 1989 through 1994.” See: John Irwin and James Austin, It’s About Time: The Imprisonment Binge (Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1997), 4.
5. David Theo Goldberg, Racist Culture: Philosophy and the Politics of Meaning (Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell Press, 1993), 23.