1. For example P. Sedgwick, Psychopolitics London, Pluto Press (1982): 104;
2. A. Rogers and D. Pilgrim, Mental Health Policy in Britain 2nd ed. London, Macmillan (2001): 64–5
3. E. Powell, Emerging Patterns for the Mental Health Services and the Public London, National Association for Mental Health (1961)
4. J.D.N. Hill, ‘Review of Policy on Psychiatric Research — Summary prepared by Dr. Denis Hill of the proposals made in his talk to Council on the 16 January 1959’; 16 January 1959: review of psychiatric research by Dr J D N Hull [sic], 1959 TNA: FD 9/91; see also G.M. Carstairs, This Island Now Harmondsworth, Penguin (1963) and
5. H.R. Rollin, ‘Carstairs, George Morrisson (1916–1991)’ in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography London, Oxford University Press (2004)