1. D.K. Henderson and R.D. Gillespie, A Text-Book of Psychiatry for Students and Practitioners, 6th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press (1944): vii
2. J. Toms, Mental Hygiene and Psychiatry in Modern Britain Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan (2013): 32–3
3. Department of Health, ‘Your Very Good Health’ (1948) online at: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/NHS60/Pages/VideointroducingthenewNHS.aspx accessed 11 July 2012
4. J.R. Rees, The Shaping of Psychiatry by War London, Chapman & Hall (1945): 10, 33
5. T. Harrison, Bion, Rickman, Foulkes and the Northfield Experiments: Advancing on a Different Front London, Jessica Kingsley (2000): 27–35, 73