1. Another example, as it happens also ‘realist’, is George F. Kennan’s short lecture book American Diplomacy, 1900–1950 (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1951), written at breakneck speed but endlessly reissued.
2. Marc Bloch, The Historian’s Craft (New York: Vintage, 1953 [written in the early 1940s]).
3. I borrow the expression from Michel de Certeau, The Writing of History (New York: Columbia, 1988).
4. See Paul Hirst’s criticism of Carr’s appropriation, ‘Collingwood, Relativism and the Purposes of History’, in his Marxism and Historical Writing (London: Routledge, 1985).
5. E.H. Carr, The Soviet Impact on the Western World (London: Macmillan, 1947), p. vii.