1. Barber, Noel (1979) The Fall of Shanghai, New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghegan.
2. Bergere, Marie-Claire (1981) ’ “The Other China”: Shanghai From 1919 to 1949’, in Christopher Howe ed., Shanghai, Revolution and Development in an Asian Metropolis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1–34.
3. Chen Duxiu (1987) Duxiu wencun (The writings of Duxiu), Hefei: Anhui renm in chubanshe.
4. Clifford, Nicholas R. (1991) Spoilt Children of Empire: Westerners in Shanghai and the Chinese Revolution of the 1920s, Hanover: Middlebury College Press.
5. Elvin, Mark (1978) ‘Chinese Cities since the Sung Dynasty’, in Philip Abrams and E.A. Wrigley eds, Towns in Societies: Essays in Economic History and Historical Sociology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 79–89.