1. S. Berger, ‘Comparative History’, in S. Berger, H. Feldner and K Passmore (eds), Writing History: Theory and Practice (London: Arnold, 2003) p. 165.
2. A. Summers, ‘A Different Start: Midwifery in South Australia, 1836–1920’, International History of Nursing Journal, 5:3 (2000) p. 51.
3. R.A. Davies, ‘She Did What She Could’: A History of the Regulation of Midwifery Practice in Queensland, 1859–1912 (Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, Center for Health Research, School of Nursing, 2003) p. 111.
4. L. Barclay, ‘A Feminist History of Australian Midwifery from Colonization until the 1980s’, Women and Birth, 21:1 (2008) p. 4.
5. J. Godden, Lucy Osburn, A Lady Displaced: Florence Nightingale’s Envoy to Australia (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2006) p. 84.