1. Timothy Morton, The Ecological Thought (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010), 74. For an expanded discussion of the theatrical implications of queer ecology
2. Wendy Arons, “Queer Ecology/Contemporary Plays,” Theatre Journal 64, no. 4 (December 2012): 565–82.
3. Linda Margarita Greenburg, “Learning from the Dead: Wounds, Women, and Activism in Cherríe Moraga’s Heroes and Saints,” MELUS 34, no. 1 (2009): 166.
4. Vandana Shiva, Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit (Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2002), xv.
5. Lynn Nottage, Ruined (New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2009), 8. For all plays discussed, initial citations appear in the endnotes and subsequent references are given parenthetically in the text.