1. S. A. Burrell, ‘The Covenant Idea as a Revolutionary Symbol: Scotland 1596–1637’, Church History, 27 (1958), 338–49
2. A. H. Williamson, Scottish National Consciousness in the Age of James VI: The Apocalypse, the Union and the Shaping of Scotland’s Public Culture (Edinburgh, 1979), 47, 64–85, 140–46
3. A. I. Macinnes, Charles I and the Making of the Covenanting Movement (Edinburgh, 1991), 173–6.
4. D. Stevenson, Scottish Covenanters and Irish Confederates: Scottish-Irish Relations in the Mid-Seventeenth Century (Belfast, 1981), 43–119
5. R. Gillespie, ‘An Army Sent from God: Scots at War in Ireland, 1642–1649’, in N. MacDougall (ed.), Scotland and War, AD 79–1918 (Edinburgh, 1991), 113–32