1. Groningen Growth and Development, Total Economy database, available at http//www.ggdc.net./dseries/totecon.html.
2. Industrial Statistics Statistics Finland, various years.
3. Statistical Yearbook Statistics Finland, various years.
4. Ahvenainen, J. and Vartiainen, H. J., Itsenaisen Suomen talouspolitiikka. In Suomen Taloushistoria 2 (Helsinki: Tammi, 1982), pp. 175–91.
5. Asplund, R. and Maliranta, M., ‘Productivity Growth: The Role of Human Capital and Technology’, in Ojala, J., Eloranta, J. and Jalava, J. (eds), The Road to Prosperity: An Economic History of Finland (Helsinki: Suomen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006) pp. 263–85.