1. In addition to the analysis in the Introduction, see the recent essays by Steve Poole, and Katrina Navickas’s thoughtful reflections on this shift: S. Poole, ‘Forty years of rural history from below: Captain Swing and the historians’, Southern History, 32 (2010), 1–20
2. K. Navickas, ‘What happened to class? New histories of labour and collective action in Britain’, SH, 36, 2 (2011), 192–204.
3. R. Wells, ‘The development of the English rural proletariat and social protest, 1700–1850’, JPS, 6, 2 (1979), 115–39
4. A. Charlesworth, ‘The development of the English rural proletariat and social protest, 1700–1850: a comment’, JPS, 8, 1 (1980), 101–11
5. Quoted in P. Jones, ‘Swing, Speenhamland and rural social relations: the “moral economy” of the English crowd in the nineteenth century’, SH, 32, 3 (2007), 281.