1. Konobeevskii, S.T., Deistvie oblucheniya na materialy (Action of Irradiation on Materials), Moscow: Atomizdat, 1967.
2. Charlesby, A., Atomic Radiation and Polymers, Oxford: Pergamon, 1960. Translated under the title Yadernye izlucheniya i polimery, Moscow: Inostrannaya Literatura, 1962.
3. Pleshivtsev, N.V., Katodnoe Raspylenie (Cathode Sputtering), Moscow: Atomizdat, 1968.
4. Markovskii, E.A., Krasnoshchekov, M.M., Tikhonovich, V.I., and Chernyi, V.G., Vozdeistvie yadernykh izluchenii na strukturu i svoistva metallov i splavov (Influence of Atomic Radiations on Structure and Properties of Metals and Alloys), Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1968.
5. Gott, Yu.V., Vzaimodeistvie chastits s veshchestvom v plazmennykh kolebaniyakh (Interactions between Particles and Substance in Plasma Vibrations), Moscow: Atomizdat, 1978.