1. Karl HA, Carlson PR (1984) Textural variation of surficial bottom sediment. In: Karl HA, Carlson PR (eds) Surface and Near-Surface Geology, Navarin Basin Province: Results of the 1980–81 Field Seasons. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84–89, pp 15–20
2. Karl HA, Carlson PR (1982) Large sand waves in Navarinsky Canyon head, Bering Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 2:157–162
3. Carlson PR, Karl HA, Fischer JM, Edwards BD (1982) Geological hazards in Navarin basin province, northern Bering Sea. In: Proceedings of the 14th Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas 1:73–87
4. Carlson PR, Karl HA (1981) High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profile: Navarin Basin Province Northern Bering Sea. 1980. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81–1221, pp 1–4
5. Carlson PR, Karl HA, Edwards BD (1982) Puzzling features in the head of Navarinsky Canyon, Bering Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 2:123–127