1. Cieciura, G., Methods of symplectic geometry in the theory of electromechanical systems (Polish), not published.
2. Dedecker, P., Calcul des variations, formes différentiales et champs géodésiques, in: Coll. Internat. du CNRS, Strasbourg 1953.
3. Dedecker, P., On generalization of symplectic geometry to multiple integrals in the calculus of variations, Diff. Geom. Meth. in Math. Phys., Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 570.
4. Gawedzki, K., Geodesic fields for multiple integrals on differential manifolds (Polish), not published.
5. Gawedzki, K., General theory of geodesic fields, Bull. de l'Acad. Pol. des Sc., vol. XVIII, No. 7, 1970, p. 363.