1. HassonH.M. (1983). Uterine geometry and IUD performance. In: Long-acting Contraception GoldsmithA., ToppozadaM., eds. Chicago, Northwestern University, pp. 157–66
2. ThomasM.N. (1981). Uterine metrology devices for IUD selection. Piact Product News,3(2), 1–4
3. ToppozadaM.K. (1981). Gynaecological and Obstetrical Instruments. Alexandria, Dar Al-Maaref, pp. 21–2
4. Laufe, L. (1981). Report to Battelle IUD subcommittee meeting Chicago, 1974. Quoted in Thomas, M.N. Uterine metrology devices for IUD selection. Piact Product News,3(2), 1–4
5. Zipper, J. (1981). Personal communication to Wheeler, R.G., 1978. Quoted in Thomas, M.N. Uterine metrology devices for IUD selection. Piact Product news,3(2), 1–4