1. F. R. Larson and J. Miller, “A time-temperature relationship for rupture and creep stress,” Trans. ASME, 74, No. 7, 765 (1952).
2. J. E. Dorn, “Some fundamental experiments on high temperature creep,” in: Proc. NPL Symp., Teddington, England (1956), p. 89.
3. S. S. Manson and A. M. Haferd, A Linear Time-Temperature Relation for Extrapolation of Creep and Stress Rupture Data, NACA TN 2800, Washington, March 1953.
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5. I. I. Trunin, Ya. F. Fridman, and I. M. Perets, “Parametric method of evaluating the long-term strength and creep limit of metal lots,” Strength Mater., 11, No. 10, 97–100 (1979).