1. Australian Tide Tables, 1980. Australian Hydrographic Publ. II; Australian Government Publ. Serv., Canberra.
2. Brown, R. G., 1976. Exmouth Gulf. In: Logan, B. W., Brown, R. G. and Quility, P. G. (eds), Carbonate Sediments of the West Coast of West. Australia. 25th Intern. Geological Congress, Sydney, 1976, pp. 55?75.
3. Bureau of Meteorology, 1973a. The Climate and Meteorology of West. Australia. In: West. Australia Year Book 12, Melbourne, pp. 36?54.
4. Bureau of Meteorology, 1973b. Atlas of Australian Resources: Temperatures. Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne, 21 pp.
5. Bureau of Meteorology, 1973c. Atlas of Australian Resources: Rainfall. Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne.