AbstractForaging animals move through the environment to satisfy their requirements for food, rest, reproduction and risk-avoidance. Understanding how animals respond to changing environmental conditions can help to characterise favourable habitat and determine whether they might be motivated to depart when those habitats become unsuitable. Foraging green turtles are typically residents that scarcely move in response to environmental changes or disturbances. Some individuals though, exhibit high mobility at fine scales. We developed an analysis of Fastloc GPS tracks of 61 green turtles using cox regression models and generalised linear mixed models to investigate the influence of a suite of environmental characteristics on the length of residence time and probability of turtles transitioning between two behavioural modes, “stay” or “go”. Decisions to move (“go”) were influenced by short-term changes in the local environmental conditions. Individuals were more likely to “stay” when temperature increased during their stay and were more likely to “go” when turbidity decreased, and they entered deeper habitats. This result implies that foraging and resting (“staying”) primarily occurs in benthic, shallow, warm habitats, while transit (“going”) is facilitated in deeper, clear water. We also determined that individuals within the green turtle foraging aggregation respond differently to environmental cues to move and hypothesise that a diversity of strategies within a foraging aggregation could confer its resilience to disturbance events. Our study provides new evidence of the factors influencing movements in green turtles and can aid in predicting how they may respond to future changes and enhance risk mitigation efforts through dynamic and adaptive planning.
Shell's QGC Business, Australia Pacific LNG and Santos GLNG
GISERA Marine Project
Orica Limited
Gladstone Ports Corporation
Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage
Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government
James Cook University
JCU Hunter Research Grant
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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