AbstractAggregations and social interactions play an important role in the movement ecology of many animals, including elasmobranchs. Several of these species have shown the capability of carrying out complex social behaviours, and the importance of sociality in this taxon is being realized. Although it is a growing field of study in the case of these organisms, these processes still need to be better understood, especially to support management and conservation policies. In this study, a long-term acoustic telemetry data set collected on Dasyatis pastinaca in a coastal marine protected area was analysed. A co-occurrence network analysis was done to investigate preferential associations among individuals, revealing non-random associations among them. The analysis revealed a few strong and consistent associations that were maintained across inter-migratory periods, as this species performs seasonal migrations to a nearby estuary, suggesting temporal stability of the observed associations. Moreover, individuals had similar average positions and a generally high overlap of space use in both periods, indicating some level of site fidelity to the fully protected area. Groups of up to 64% of tagged individuals were co-detected at a same receiver, particularly in the western side of the array. Despite our limited sample size, likely underestimating associations, these results show that in addition to their large-scale movement pattern, D. pastinaca is likely to also present active partner preference and spatial structure at a finer spatial scale. The nature of such results is relevant to support the protection of these species.
'la Caixa' Foundation
Programa Operacional Sustentabilidade e Eficiência no Uso de Recursos
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Universidade do Algarve
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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