1. Cho, D.-L., 2004, Mineral separation and sample preparation methods efficient for subgrain zircon analyses. Journal of Petrological Society of Korea, 13, 126–132. (in Korean with English abstract)
2. Cho, D.-L., Kim, Y.-J., and Amstrong, R., 2006, SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons from iron-bearing quartzite of the Seosan Group: Constraints on age and stratigraphy. Journal of Petrological Society of Korea, 15, 119–127. (in Korean with English abstract)
3. Cho, M., 2001, A continuation of Chinese ultrahigh-pressure belt in Korea: evidence from ion microprobe U-Pb zircon ages. Gondwana Research, 4, 708.
4. Cho, M., 2003, Triassic high-pressure metamorphism in western Gyeonggi massif, Korea: correlation with the Dabie-Sulu belt in China. Alice Wain Mem. (Abstract), West. Norw. Eclog. Field Symp., p. 36.
5. Cho, M., Kim, Y., and Ahn, J., 2007, Metamorphic evolution of the Imjingang belt, Korea: Implications for Permo-Triassic collisional orogeny, International Geology Review, 49, 30–51.