1. Allerdings entwickeln Godley und Lavoie den „Prototyp“eines Wachstumsmodells; vgl. W. Godley, M. Lavoie: Monetary Economics, 2. Aufl., London 2012, Kapitel 11.
2. S. Veuger: Modern monetary theory and policy, in: AEI Economic Perspectives, 2019S. 1–3.
3. A. P. Lerner: Functional finance and the federal debt, in: Social Research, 10. Jg. (1943), H. 1, S. 38–51.
4. Vgl. dazu auch im folgenden E. Tymoigne, L. R. Wray: Modern Money Theory 101: A Reply to Critics, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College Working Paper, Nr. 778, November 2013.
5. „Lesson #6: The primary purpose of taxation is to influence the behavior of the public.“ Vgl. M. Forstater: Functional Finance and Full Employment: Lessons from Lerner for Today?, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute, Working Paper, Nr. 272, 1999, S. 4.