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3. A.K. Staley, “An Investigation into the Pyrometallurgical and Electrometallurgical Extraction of Iron from Red Mud Generated in the Processing of Bauxite Ores,” Thesis No. T 5668 (Golden, CO: Colorado School of Mines, 2002).
4. D. Gura, “Toxic Red Sludge Spill from Hungarian Aluminum Plant —An Ecological Disaster” (October 5, 2010), www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/10/05/130351938/red-sludge-from-hungarian-aluminum-plant-spill-an-ecological-disaster .
5. J. Fursman, J.E. Mauser, M.O. Butler, and W.A. Stickney, ‘Utilization of Red Mud Residues From Alumina Production’, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 7454 (1970).