1. R.W. Harvey, Management of Radioactive Wastes Stored in Underground Tanks at Hanford, ARH-R-43, Rev. 2, OSTI ID: 4358331 (Richland, WA: Atlantic Richfield Hanford, Co., April 1970), www.osti.gov/bridge .
2. K.D. Boomer, Single Shell Tank History, WRPS-40224-VA (Richland, WA: Washington River Protection Solutions, 2009).
3. P.J. Certa, P.A. Empey, and M.N. Wells, River Protection Project System Plan, ORP-11242, Rev. 6 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy, 2011).
4. G.L. Edgemon. V.S. Anda, H.S. Berman, M.E. Johnson, and K.D Boomer, CORROSION/08 (Houston, TX: NACE International, 2008), Paper No. 08RTS-01.
5. S.H. Rifaey, Single Shell Tank Integrity Assessment Report, RPP-10435, Rev. 0 (Richland, WA: CH2 M Hill Hanford Group, 2002).