1. The National Nanotechnology Initiative at Five Years: Assessment and Recommendations of the National Nanotechnology Advisory Panel, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (May 2005), www.ostp.gov and www.nano.gov.
2. “Where Has My Money Gone? Government Nanotechnology Funding and the $18 Billion Pair of Pants,” Cientifica (January 2006), www.cientifica.com.
3. J.H. Marburger, “Nanotechnology: Government's Role”, presented at MS&T '05, Pittsburgh, PA, 26 September, 2005.
4. The Nanotech Report 2004, Lux Research (www.globalsalespartners.com/luxl).
5. S. Baker and A. Aston, “The Business of Nanotech”, Business Week (14 February, 2005), pp. 64–71.