1. Warren Haupin, Light Metals 1998, ed. Barry Welch (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1998), pp. 531–537.
2. Barry Welch, Martin Inert, and Maria Skyllas-Ka-zacos, JOM, 60(11) (2008), pp. 17–24.
3. Philip Biedler, “Modeling of an Aluminum Reduction Cell for the Development of a State Estimator” (Ph.D. thesis, West Virginia University, 2003, p.141).
4. R.G. Havercamp and B.J, Welch, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 37 (1998), pp. 177–187.
5. Barry Welch, et al., “Continuous Alumina Feeder,” U.S. patent 5,476,574 (1995).