1. Current IAI Statistics—Alumina Production, Form 650 (Int. Aluminium Inst., May 2001) world-aluminum.org.
2. N. Gow and G. Lozej, “Bauxite,” Ore Deposit Models, Reprint Series No. 6, Vol. 11 (Ottawa, Canada: GeoScience Canada, 1993), pp. 135–142.
3. K.J. Bayer, “Process of Obtaining Alumina,” U.S. patent 382,505 (May 1888).
4. E.D. Sehnke, “World Bauxite and Alumina Production Capacity in the Mid-1990’s,” Light Metals 1996, ed. W. Hale (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1996), pp. 115–124.
5. G. Bardossy and G.J.J. Aleva, “Lateritic Bauxites,” Development in Economic Geology 27 (Amsterdam-Oxford-New York: Elsevier, 1990).