1. Marcolin,H.E., Trautwein,A., Maeda,Y., Seel,F., Wende,P.: this volume
2. Gabriel,J.R., Olsen,D.: Nucl. Instr. Meth.70, 209 (1969); Gabriel,J.R., Ruby,S.L.: Nucl. Instr. Meth.36, 23 (1965)
3. Wertheim,G.K., Guggenheim,H.J., Williams,H.J., Buchanan,D.N.E.: Phys. Rev.158, 446 (1967); and J. Appl. Phys.39, 1253 (1968); Wertheim,G.K., Buchanan,D.N.E.: Phys. Rev.161, 478 (1967); Davidson,G.R., Eibsch�tz,M., Guggenheim,H.J.: Phys. Rev.B8, 1864 (1973)
4. Kawanishi,T., Maeda,Y., Trautwein,A., Seel,F., Wende,P.: in preparation
5. Bleany,B. in: Hyperfine interactions, A.J. Freeman and R.B. Fraenkel, Eds. New York: Academic Press 1967