1. Ufimtsev (P. Ya.). Secondary diffraction of electromagnetic waves by a strip.Soviet Physics, Technical Physics (1958),3, n° 3, pp. 535–548, 1958. [Translated from Russian by the American Institute of Physics.]
2. Ufimtsev (P. Ya.). Secondary diffraction of electromagnetic waves by a disk.Soviet Physics, Technical Physics (1958),3, n° 3, pp. 549–556, 1958. [Translated from Russian by the American Institute of Physics.]
3. Ufimtsev (P. Ya.). Method of edge waves in the physical theory of diffraction. Translated from ‘Metod Kraevykh Voln v Fizicheskoy Teorii Diffraktsii”.Izdat. Sov. Radio, Moscow (1962), pp. 1–243. [Translation prepared by U.S. air Force, Foreign Technology Div., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1971.]
4. Karp (S. N.), Keller (J. B.).Optica Acta (1961),8, p. 61.
5. Mentzer (C. A.), Peters (L.) Jr., Rudduck (R. C). Slope diffraction and its application to horns.IEEE Trans. AP (1975),23, n° 2, pp. 153–159.