1. G. Wassermann: Texturen Metallischer Werkstoffe. (1939) Berlin.
2. C. S. Barrett: Structure of Metals. 1st ed. p. 420 (1943) New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co.
3. C. G. Dunn: Recrystallization Textures. Symposium on Cold Working of Metals. A.S.M. (1949) p. 113.
4. T. Ll. Richards: Preferred Orientation in Non-ferrous Metals. Progress in Metal Physics. Edited by B. Chalmers. Vol. I, p. 281 (1949) London and New York.
5. W. G. Burgers and P. C. Louwerse: Uber den Zusamenhang Zwischen Deformationsvorgang und Rekristallisationstextur bei Aluminium. Ztsch. f. Physik (1931) 67, p. 605.