1. A. G. Metcalfe:Composite Materials, Academic Press, Broutman and Krock, eds., 1974, vol. 4, pp. 269-318.
2. K. G. KreidenComposite Materials, Academic Press, Broutman and Krock, eds., 1974, vol. 4, pp. 399-471.
3. D. Mahulikar, Y. Park, and H.L. Marcus:Proceedings of 14th National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics, ASTM STP 791, J. Lewis and Geo. Sines, eds., Los Angeles, CA, June 1980, p. 579.
4. Deepak Mahulikar: Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, TX, 1981.
5. J. Chesnutt, A. Thompson, and J. Williams: AFML-TR-78-68, 1978.