1. M. Crowley-Milling, “Distributed Digital Control of Accelerators”, paper to be presented at lecture session LS-B1 of this conference.
2. S. K. Howry, R. Scholl, E. J. Seppi, M. Hu, D. Neet, “The SLAG beam switchyard control computer,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, NS-14,3, 1066 (1967).
3. S. K. Howry, SLAG Report CGTM 10, “BSY Control Computer System Language,” (1966).
4. S. K. Howry, SLAC PUB-248, “A Concise On-Line Control System,” (1966).
5. K. B. Mallory, “The Control System for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,” IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci., 1022–1029, (1967).